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November 25, 2021



I smelled the sweet scents, felt the moist air on my skin, touched as many lovelies as I could reach, sat on those damp steps, and enjoyed absolutely every moment. Imagination takes me where it will.

In truth, I imagined your garden was in my backyard. Mine isn't half as lovely because I love the green expanse of what I call the Back Forty: still-green grass, a still-fruiting fig, willow pomegranate, acers, a forty-foot willow and a few others that are asleep. The only flowers blooming are golden cosmos and two colors of oxalis, but they are enough for now. The window behind my desk is a special portal that allows me access to wherever my imagination leads. I'm waving at you from the bottom of your lovely stone steps! Can you see me? LOL! Thanks for sharing.

Be well.


Your garden breaks my heart, it is so lovely, and lovable. I am going to pretend that I am sitting on a bench while I study the wide view; or I am slowly, ever so slowly, walking up those venerable steps (well, the rocks are surely VERY old)... to look closely at each dahlia, touch the verbena flowers, smell the roses...

Now I will go back to the beginning and start my exploration. Thank you, thank you!


Thanks for sharing


These photos are quite lovely. There are many that, in my opinion, could be turned into scrumptious greeting cards or small frame-worthy images. Thank you for sharing all of this gorgeousness.

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