... from the lake where all six of us -- our family bubble -- spent Christmas this year for the first time ever; once we realized that our Polish Christmas Eve celebration, Wigilia, where a minimum of 20 people are joyously and often raucously crammed into a smallish kitchen, sitting on benches because that is the only way we can fit so many people at an extended table in our kitchen, could not happen, we opted to change things around a bit and headed for the lake this Christmas... As I've said in previous posts, I feel so very, very fortunate that we've been able to escape from the city during this strange and often very sad year of 2020 to these beautiful and soothing natural surroundings ...
And, despite not being able to celebrate it in person with our closest friends, Christmas turned out to be rather nice, as we spent more time hanging out with each other than we have in a very long time, simply enjoying each other's company, often around a lovely fire. Before this socially-distanced year, our moments with all of our children together, now aged between 18 and 24, had become rather rare and fleeting as, especially during the holidays, out the door they would quickly be, meeting up with friends and engaging in all their many pre-Covid activities... This really hit me when all six of us found ourselves in the same car on a little adventure drive to a snowy mountain ridge on Boxing Day, something that used to be so ordinary when the kids were young, but really hasn't happened in a very long time! And, the best part of all this, the most heartwarming realization that came to me this last weekend, is that we all seem to be quite all right with spending time with each other as a family, not running off to separate rooms, but cozying up all together by the fire, chatting, reading, playing games, napping and, of course, crocheting...
... which I spent a bit of my time doing, or more specifically, weaving in almost 1000 yarn ends at the back of the daisy blanket on the top of the pile above; I challenged myself to finish all the weaving before the new year and I just barely made it, finishing it all yesterday! As much as I really loved making all the flowers and connecting them to one another, the weaving job felt a bit daunting at times! How about you, did you have a bit of crocheting fun over Christmas?...
And how was your Christmas?... I do hope you were able to enjoy it with loved ones... I also hope your 2021 will be a good year, bringing you and your family lots of health, happiness and peace... Thank you so much for visiting me here throughout this last year and being so supportive of all things rose-hippy!...