...has gone by and, rather unbelievably, 2019 will soon be half over!!... So, how has your month of May been -- has it been a lovely May for you?... Mine, I have to say, started off with a bit of drama as my 17-year old baby had to have an appendectomy which, a week later, led to a second surgery due to a hernia at one of the incision points (her belly button!); all's well now as she's fully recovered, left with barely a scar (as it was all done laparoscopically) and with the memory of two weekends in a row spent at the hospital with her mama by her bed side!
As far as the remainder of my month of May... It was quite lovely as I spent a lot of it working in my garden at the lake -- pure bliss! With lupins and roses coming out in full force and everything so perfectly fresh and green, how could it not be?!...
Remember my anti-deer enclosure?...
...Well, I happily spent a fair bit of time in it planning, planting and seeding my veggie garden for the summer; I don't know what it is about being in my enclosed garden, but I just love being in there! This year, I think we've made it even that much more special by finding a spot in it for a sweet little water fountain...
This fountain has been sitting in a dark corner of our city garden totally neglected, simply because it became impossible to run it with water, as every night, it would attract all the pesky neighbourhood racoons who would then completely drain it by morning! Hopefully, its new location at the lake, nestled amongst a blackberry bush, roses and lemon cucumber and clematis vines, will be a better spot for it!...
As you may tell from the photo below, my tomato, cucumber, squash and zucchini plants, all promising so much summery yumminess, have all been allocated their own special spots... Happily too, my seeded radishes and greens have also started to sprout...
Now, most importantly, what is a May garden without some deliciously sweet fragrance?!... My ever-increasing clumps of self-seeding pinks are definitely a great help in that respect! Such a perfect cottage flower which evokes pure nostalgia for me -- let me tell you why... Growing up, I spent summers at our cottage north of Montreal where this older lady -- we called her Mrs Summer -- also had a house which was surrounded by the most floriferous of cottage gardens where, yes, pinks grew very happily and abundantly and, to this day, their very special spicy scent always brings me back to that lovely garden of my childhood...
As most gardeners, I'm sure, every time I look at my garden I can't help but think of how I can improve my plantings, such as tweak things a little so that companion plants really complement each other by actually blooming at the same time... But, I have to say, I think there is one spot in my lake garden, which you can see below, where I think I have achieved something special: honeysuckle, a mock orange and a rose (which you can't see in the photo) come in full bloom at exactly the same time -- heavenly in every sense of the word! This planting gets sun all day, but in the very warm late afternoon sun, the scent of the mock orange and rose, which then combines with that of the honeysuckle vine only growing stronger as evening rolls in, is glorious beyond glorious!!...
While my lake garden was the main focus of my month of May, I did also make some time to play with some lovely floral fabric -- how could I not with so much natural floral beauty filling my days?!...
As you can see, I'm drawn to a more muted palette and delicate patterns at the moment...
...which you can see even closer up just below...
What will I make of this delightful collection of sweet florals?... Well, as soon as I finish penning this post, I hope to start working on just that and, hopefully very soon, I will show you what I've come up with as well as some June (yes, June already!...) gardening shares from the lake... 'Hope you've had a great month of May and thank you so very much for popping by!...
You have such a beautiful garden! Enjoy June!
Posted by: Nathalie | June 01, 2019 at 02:12 PM
What a beautiful garden you're creating - the deer enclosure is brilliant. We may have to do something similar as rabbits are moving into our neighbourhood now.
Posted by: Lorrie | June 02, 2019 at 01:40 PM
Wow, such a wonderful garden space and I love those fabrics!
So glad your daughter is good.
Posted by: Norma H Aguilar | June 03, 2019 at 07:41 AM
What a beautiful garden. Ours here in northern NB is so much further behind. I’ve got rhubarb and my radishes have just sprouted. I’m hoping to get more seeds in this week. I too love to be out there.
Your prints are so pretty. Look forward to seeing what you will do with them.
Posted by: Holly McLean | June 03, 2019 at 02:52 PM
Poor you... do hope daughter well once more. Always so lovely to see photographs of your garden - so pretty. Happy June!
Posted by: mrs robinson | June 06, 2019 at 09:16 AM