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October 10, 2014



these are so so so beautiful!

Angela-Southern USA

They are all s-o beautiful! A hard decision to choose between, let alone finding the perfect match of colors when creating! Well done, as always. Happy Thanksgiving!


It's always a pleasure to come and see your Rose Hip! Your bright and fairy colors make me happy, so beautiful and creative!!Congrats and
Happy Thanksgiving !Hugs!

mrs robinson

Beautiful... Oh that my bed looked this pretty! And hope you have had a happy thanksgiving weekend!


I do love your rose material. I wish I could find it. Question when using an edging, do you use what size yarn or thread? I have a size 10 thread I have in my stash right now. Will that work? And how long a thread do you use to put the blanket stitch to begin with? I have all my pillowcases made just need to put the edges on for Christmas.

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