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October 23, 2014


Angela-Southern USA

Oh I s-o know that feeling! Anytime I clean my craft room I get distracted and find myself making something instead! I've lost count of the WIP's. lol Have a great weekend! (and I hope the pillowcases work up fast so you can get back to the patchwork.) ; )

Helen in Colorado

Love the plaids! I'm just now in the middle of the Outlander series of books and plaid has been on my mind lately. Your patchwork looks like it's shaping up to be lovely. I like the combination of the abstract and the organic patterning. Your talent should make for a fascinating result.

mrs robinson

That looks like a beautifully cosy patchwork!

charlene  hammonds

These are beautiful pillow cases. Is it hard to crochet trim? I would love to learn.

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