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April 26, 2014



Stunning zinnias!!!!!!
I wish you all the best for your little sprouts!!!!!
happy sunday, xxxxxx Ale


Zinnias ROCK! Even the name is fun to say! It's a color OVERLOAD, in a good way. Thanks for sharing with us.

Chrissie Crafts

Talk about inspiration! Wonderful photos, I love the perfect little petals of zinnias, their juicy colours...and growing them from seed will make them all the more precious! Enjoy! Chrissie x

Tracey at yarn and pencil

Beautiful! I don't think I've ever tried growing zinnia's...well, I must rectify that! :-)
Tracey x

Angela-Southern USA

Oh yes, what's not to love indeed! Zinnias were the first flowers I ever grew as a child, so they are dear to me as well. One year I had them lining our drive (a very long drive at that) it was glorious! I must add them to the list of seeds to sow this year too.A lovely trip, thanks for sharing. Oh, for slugs try coffee grounds around the plants, it's a good fertilizes as well.

Amy at love made my home

Hello there, just catching up! The flowers are indeed beautiful and I can see why you like them so much. Hope that you have a good week. xx


Beautiful photos-- my father loved to garden and I remember having many zinnias in our back yarn-- so beautiful. Thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories!

mrs robinson

Beautiful, full of summery colour! Oh, to have a cutting garden like this. Actually, oh to have a cutting garden...

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