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November 17, 2010



Those quilts are so scrumptious and cozy looking. How (if at all) are they backed?


Those quilts are really gorgeous and snuggleable... sorry, not a word but it should convey the meaning that looking at them is enough to make you want to wrap one around yourself, sit down with a book and while away a dreary grey cold day in Norfolk, in England...where I am. It looks a beautiful place to visit. Shame it's a little bit too far!

Petit Filoux

Those quilts are beautiful!! Make me want to go to charity shops to try and find wooly jumpers to recycle!


Gorgeous blankets! I want one too! (here in Southern Finland the gray is finally gone - it's been snowing for the last 10 hours. So beautiful & white...Winter has arrived.)


Beautiful, beautiful blanket! Any tricks on putting them together? I noticed you didn't back them; but mostly how beautifully sewn those knits are, no stretching at all.


Ahhh... Wish Swedish people would start to wear woolclothes in these lovely colors!!!!! SOOOOO hard to find!!!
Your blanket is just IT!! :o)


Gorgeous! It would be wonderful to hang out in a bright, cheery room like that. Awesome!


I love the colors in your projects. Your pictures are beautiful too. Such happy colors!


The blanket looks just wonderful - what a great idea. I think I'm going to start collecting woolies from now on. Unfortunately I'm not so good at telling what is wool. I thought it would be obvious but it's not! The whole setting looks exquisite. So inspirational. Thank you.

Krista - Poppyprint

I hope I can make it on Sunday! Your woolly blankets are beautiful (did they even make a dent in the wool stash?). I know that room and can't wait to see it full of beautiful Beata creations.

Tallulah Maggs

OoOOh that blanket is divine, the colours are so beautiful! I wish I could see the stately home, it looks beautiful :)


I am totally in love with your blankets. What a fantastic idea and a great way to recycle. I'm inspired to go and raid some charity shops!

amanda makes

How gorgeous. I could just crawl under one of those for a good snooze. You are so clever! Lots of love, Amanda xxxx


what a beautiful quilt, it looks so cosy..!

A fabulous blanket and I love the crochet cushion too!

A fabulous blanket and I love the crochet cushion too!

ale balanzario

Great quilt, love the colors so full of live!!


What a beautiful bed I want one, I love the woolly patchwork, your flower cushion and the crocheted pillowcase its perfect.


I also would like to know how the backside looks like. Beautyful Blankets!


your quilts are just gorgeous!! you did a fantastic job on them.

Erica K

They're beautiful, and toasty I'm sure. Maybe one of these years I will go see it.


Brimful of color ... I love this room!


Quelle splendide déco et quelles couleurs!!!!


I want to crawl into that bed, read, and then take a nap! perhaps I will then be ready to be as creative as you!

izabela bzymek

Dzien dobry!

Hi, we met briefly at the Hycroft Xmas Market. I am the faery lady! I met you and your girls at my table. Thank you again for your support xoxoo
I was wondering about what you mentioned about a store, a furniture store? that perhaps would be interested in selling some of my art work.
Would you give me their contact information, I would like to approach them and see. thank you again
Merry Christmas and Happy New year

wszystkiego najlepszego

Izabela Bzymek

location espagne denia

The colorful bed sheets,quilts and the blankets gives a awesome look in the pics...Your idea of recycle was mind blowing...I like the way you think about this all...Thanks for sharing .....


Lovely blog. How did you put your wooly blanket/quilt together? I mean does it have batting and a backing?



My question too. Did you back the blanket/quilt? or just let the seams show? Thanks.

Elnora Turmelle

The light coming in from the windows makes the room look bright and even more colorful! Your quilts and crafts are amazing 'cause they add this lively feel to the room's ambiance.


Soooo Pretty, the colours are Gorgeous!!
I want one............Sigh!

Jane Merovitz

Did anyone find out how if it had batting and backing?

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