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« the crochet-trimmed pillowcase giveaway... | Main | Wishing you... »

December 18, 2009


Sarah - Jane down the lane

What lovely pillowcases, how did I miss your giveaway, silly me!

Have a wonderful Christmas, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are working on, very inspirational indeed,

Sarah x


Dear me, I nearly fell off my chair just now! What an unspeakable thrill to see my name listed as one of the winners! I'm so excited I can hardly compose myself--someone fetch the smelling salts!

Thank you, dear Beata! What a lovely, lovely surprise!




Beata!! I never win anything!! You are the BEST and so are your pillowcases!!


I love reading your blog and I love your pillocases everyone of them is beautiful, congrats to the winners, have a wonderful christmas!

Erica K

I'm looking forward to seeing the school crafts! Your posts are well worth the little wait! :)

Mom Wald

Can't wait to see what you've been up to with the kiddos. Don't forget to breathe!


Beautiful pillowcases! I love your blog, it's beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of your creative postings. I'm so glad to have come across your blog, I'm listing it with my fav's.

Denise/Bella Dreams

Sitting here at the computer at 7:00AM because I can't sleep and stumbled on your blog. O.M.G.!! Your pillow cases are just the cutest thing ever!! Can't wait until you restock again. I would be hard pressed to decide on a color. There's nothing BUT cute ones. Anywho....I'm adding you to my favs. so I can keep track of your posts. I gotta have one.
OR two.....

Maryam in Marrakech

Hope you will restock your etsy store! I posted your beatiful pillows on my tumblr blog.


Your pillowcases are so beautiful!!!! I love the way you mix the colors. I´m not great in crocheting but I´m exercising since Christmas when I found your blog. Only I can´t imagine how to put the border directly on the fabric... or do I ave to stitch around at first and crochet afterwards?
Thank you for this beautifu blog!

I´m from Germany;)


Bookmarked.. thank you. You know your topic very well. I also found interesting info on

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