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February 10, 2009



Hi, They look gorgeous. Would you mind giving me some inspiration on my blog re the shelf edging I have in a giveaway? Thanks B!


I've been looking forward to this! Thanks for letting us know!!


now i have to choose my favorite...xo


That's quite a collection!! Lovely!


Aaarrggh! I forgot that you were putting them on yesterday and now I'm too late!



I was hoping to get one for my freind, and kept logging on here and not seeing them listed on the etsty shop.... I am upset now if they are all gone as I didint have a chance to see them there. The etsy shop does not show them listed? And there is no price shown either.... oh it too late for me then to get at least one then? I have been checking here at least 4 times daily since you said they will be here... and I live in oz! :(

Lavender Dreamer

I think I missed out! I'll have to check back another day! They are so adorable!


Oh boo hoo! I've been checking here daily and then I let a few days slip by - I've missed your wonderful sale!

On a different note - do you use a label on your items? I'm trying to figure out how to make/buy a label for some items and am having difficulty.


They're so lovely!!!Congratulations!

Lavender Dreamer

Are you making more of these! I want to know when you are! heehee!

Peg Graham

please make more of these!!!

flower gift philippines

Hmmm.... I think my mom gonna like this one. These can be added to her floral collection.


Erica K

They're SO adorable! I wish I'd known about you/your blog back when you had them. So cute...


I'm french !!! It's beautiful !!!!
I dont speak very well !!!!


Oh, I love these!... When are you having more for sale?
Love your work.

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