...this year is a basket full of crocheted flower squares -- my obsession of late! When in Paris, from the corner of my eye, I spotted a beautiful, very boho tote swinging off the shoulder of one of those stylish, well put together women one sees all over the city; the body of the bag was made up of many multicolor crocheted squares similar to the ones above, except done in a finer yarn. It was such a fleeting moment, and I honestly can't remember very well what the bag looked like exactly, but it made an instant impression on me.... I left Paris with thoughts of the bag, itching to recreate my own version of it...
Alexandra, my now 10-year-old daughter, celebrates her birthday in early July, and I decided to surprise her with a shoulder bag version of the Parisian bag; I crocheted frantically over a hot summer weekend and came up with a bag just in time for her birthday... She was very pleased with it and so was I! (photos of the bag to come...) I so enjoyed crocheting the squares, trying out new color schemes with each square, that I kept at it -- all summer... My bag of yarn and hook was with me at all times -- whether at the beach, soccer tournaments, etc... In fact, I'm still at it, pumping out those squares, not tiring of it at all!
So, what to do with all these flower squares... no more bags for now, but instead, I decided that I would sew them up together to make cushion tops. For starters, I think cushions like these will work beautifully with the quilted coverlet that I just finished, and which I will show you as soon as I take some photos of it...
P.S. 'Just a little note to any of you who might be expecting me tomorrow (Sept. 27th) at the Trout Lake Farmer's Market in Vancouver -- I, unfortunately, won't be able to make it, because I have to many activities to get my children to tomorrow on my own as I'm without husband this weekend....Sorry...