Thank you so much for showering my last post with so many truly wonderful comments! I really had a ton of fun making those bags -- so much so, that I feel like I must re-visit "this babushka thing" again, very soon...
Since my last post though, I've been putting together some cushion designs which will complement this duvet cover. I was hoping to have a few covers in this style finished by now, but my serger has spent most of its summer so far at the repair shop - I finally got it back today! With no serger in hand, I decided to focus on the cushions and have come up with three different woolly house motifs, one of which being the one below -
Yes, I'm still getting my kicks by shrinking sweaters and making wool felt out of them - the resulting colors and textures are hard to beat and delicious to work with, especially in appliqué design! In fact, I've had so much fun, I've probably cut enough houses to make forty cushions! (Whether I actually make up forty cushions, that's another story altogether...)
I will definitely be showing you more woolly houses, but first -- we're packing up and heading doing south to sunny Southern California -- Yippee!! We'll be spending our holidays along the coast between L.A. and San Diego, and I hope the weather will be bleachy, beachy stinkin' hot! Although I know some of you would disagree with me, I think that summer in Vancouver this year, so far, has been O.K., but certainly not the best....of course, still tons better than summer in Europe -- what's up with all that rain?!...
One more thing before I go off packing...a wee little favor: if any of you have any suggestions as to shops, sites, markets, restaurants, beaches, etc., to visit in Southern California, please - oh please - drop me a comment -- I have a feeling that some of you might have some good local knowledge about the area... I will be able to check my comments while there and I'd absolutely love to hear from you! I'll be back in about two weeks with hopefully a few good snap shots to show you...See you then!