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January 23, 2007



I saw a cuckoo clock last week too! But it was a boring one. I love the little owl on yours!


I used to have that clock! When I was young. No idea what happened to it. If you see another will you pick it up for me? I'd happily pay the cost and return any favours I can!


Its so fun to read about other peoples quarks... Makes me feel like I am OK... Smiles to you!


That's so cool about your remembering faces so well. I'm like that too, but not to the same extent :)


what a pretty clock! I've never seen any cool cuckoo clocks like that over here :(

Daisy Cottage

So glad that I tagged you ~ you are not weird, just right! Love your clock!!


I was at Hidden City today. Is your clock from there? Or F.S?


Lilli, your first guess is a winner! I love that store..I'll be going soon again because she's expecting some more fabric...


I have almost the same clock! Too fun! I got mine in Leavenworth, WA. OMG... I agonized for hours on which one to pick. I wanted them all! I have a peek a view shot of mine in one of my Flickr photos (the proverbial basement of my Flickr). I'll have to take a new shot once I'm done repainting.

j s

German manufacturers like Schneider and Kassel made quite a few plastic and wooden clocks of all different sizes, including cuckoos, starting in the late 50s and continuing into the mid-80s. Some of the very small clocks are quite odd- I saw one once which had a spring pendulum with a boy figurine hanging from it.

j s

German manufacturers like Schneider and Kassel made quite a few plastic and wooden clocks of all different sizes, including cuckoos, starting in the late 50s and continuing into the mid-80s. Some of the very small clocks are quite odd- I saw one once which had a spring pendulum with a boy figurine hanging from it.

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